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Dissonance | Ein heimlicher Anarchist – Der Improvisator und Komponist Alfred Zimmerlin im Gespräch mit Torsten Möller

A clandestine anarchist

The improviser and composer Alfred Zimmerlin in dialogue with Torsten Möller

Torsten Möller, Alfred Zimmerlin
Alfred Zimmerlin, cellist, composer, improviser, music teacher, and author stands out as one of the most eclectic figures of Swiss musical life. From September 2010 he will share with Fred Frith a chair of free improvisation at the Basel University of Music. As an improviser Zimmerlin performs in various formations, among others in the trios Karl ein Karl and Selbdritt. The discussion with Torsten Möller circles around the question: how is the essence of «Music» to be maintained, through improvisation.

by moxi