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Dissonance | Lumière sur toutes les pièces – pakt bern - le nouveau réseau musical

All rooms lit up

pakt bern – the new music network

Michelle Ziegler im Gespräch mit Barbara Balba Weber und Christian Kobi
Since more than a year there is a new network in Bern: pakt bern unites exponents of the field of new and experimental music. The goal is to reinforce the free experimental music scene in Bern without eroding the individual artistic positions in the process. In this interview the two founding board members Barbara Balba Weber and Christian Kobi recount how this new form of collaboration came about at a city level, what hurdles had to be overcome on the way to the foundation, and what potential such a network has for the scene. Their testimony allows for a look behind the scenes and lets the initiatives of the new association come to the fore.

by moxi