
Quasi un attraversamento

Saxophone multiphonics in the art and research of Giorgio Netti, Marcus Weiss and Georg Friedrich Haas

Michael Kunkel
From the sole multiphonics of the soprano saxophone, Giorgio Netti was able to create a whole compository scheme of more than one hour, his cycle necessità d’interrogare il cielo. This piece was the trigger for a research project by Giorgio Netti and Marcus Weiss, dedicated to the systematic inquiry and exposition of the saxophone multiphonics. The results of this research were published in a Bärenreiter bilingual publication and found direct application in compositional practice: Georg Friedrich Haas not only uses the saxophone multiphonics in his Konzert für Baritonsaxophon und Orchester, but let them expand and anker themselves as harmonic and temporal processes into the whole of the through-composed orchestral texture. This almost undisturbed movement form art to research and back again will be described in detail in this article, while analytical observations of the works of Netti and Haas will be offered as further grounding.

by moxi